
Carl Lewandowski

Carl Lewandowski

It is possible to slow and ameliorate today. If we don't, we may not be able to survive tomorrow. I love this world, its lifeforms, its people, and I want them to continue to exist.

Founders Pledge: Climate Fund

by Founders Pledge
Supporting highly-impactful, evidence-based solutions to the triple challenge of climate change, air pollution and energy poverty.
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Rainforests are the most diverse and most essential biome on the surface of the earth for fighting climate change. They are approaching a terrifying tipping point; it's on us to intervene to keep the rainforests intact.

Rainforest Trust logo

Rainforest Trust

Warrenton, VA
Rainforest Trust saves endangered wildlife and protects our planet through partnerships, community engagement and donor support.
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it feels apocalyptic in new york right now. channeling that fear into a small extra action for our collective future

Founders Pledge: Climate Fund logo

Founders Pledge: Climate Fund

by Founders Pledge
Supporting highly-impactful, evidence-based solutions to the triple challenge of climate change, air pollution and energy poverty.
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Feed donation card link to $/@carl.lewandowski/climate.fund/2